”Dear participants, officials and volunteers
We regret to inform you that the FCI World Championship Lure Coursing- Poland 23-26.05.2024 has been cancelled, despite the hard and arduous work of many people, not only from Poland. Having to take this decision and writing this message was very difficult for us, but in life not always everything works out as we would like. The reasons for this decision are unforeseen problems with the venue, which, despite written agreements and guarantees. This area turned out to be not a place where we could organize top-ranking competitions for you. For which we sincerely apologize. However, we sincerely hope that we are not saying goodbye because we are working very hard on finding an alternative venue and date for 2025. We would very much apply again to organize the Championships next year with the promise that it will be an event you will never forget!”
Maastojuoksun MM-kilpailut 2024 Puolassa peruttu!